Thursday, 26 December 2013

Family of planets

A family of planets

The Sun is surrounded by a family of circling planets called the Solar System.


This family is held together by an invisible force called gravity, which pulls things towards each other. It is the same force that pulls us down to the ground and stops us from floating away.The Sun’s gravity pulls on the planets and keeps them circling around it.

The Earth is one of eight planets in the Sun’s -family.

Beautiful earth

They all circle the Sun tic different distances from it.The four planets nearest to the Sun are all balls of rock. The next four planets are much bigger and are made of gas and liquid. The tiny dwarf planet at the edge of the Solar System, Pluto, is a solid, icy ball.

Moons circle the planets, travelling with them round the Sun. Earth has one Moon.


It circles the Earth while the Earth circles round the Sun. Dwarf planet Pluto also has one moon. Mars has two tiny moons but Mercury and Venus have none at all. I here tire large families of moons, like miniature solar systems, around all the large gas planets.

A The eight planets are all different. Mercury, nearest the Sun, is small and hot.

planet in order

Then Venus, Earth and Mars are rocky and cooler. Beyond them Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are large and cold. Dwarf planet Pluto is tiny and icy.

There are millions of smaller members in the Sun’s family.

Sun Family

Some are tiny specks of dust speeding through space between the planets. Larger chunks of rock, many as large as mountains, are

called asteroids. Comets come from the edge of the Solar System, skimming past the Sun before they disappear again.


If the Sun was the site of a large beach ball, the Earth would be as small as a pea, and the Moon would look like a pinhead.

o Thank You o

Family of planets
Posted By: Unknown

Family of planets


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