Sunday 29 December 2013

Sun worshippers-reptiles

Sun worshippers-reptiles

 Most reptiles live in warm or hot habitats.


Many are found in dry, burning-hot places such as deserts and dry grassland. They have various clever ways of surviving in these harsh conditions.

Even reptiles can get too hot sometimes!


When this happens they hide in the shade of a rock or bury themselves in the sand.

Some escape the heat by being nocturnal — coming out mostly at night.

Reptiles need very little food and water.


Unlike warm blooded animals, they don’t use food to create body heat, so many can survive in places with scarce food supplies,  such as a deserts. Their thick skin means that as little Water as possible escape from their bodies.

Reptiles need a certain level of warmth to survive.


This is why there are no reptiles in very cold places, such as at the North and South Poles, or at the very tops of mountains.

Like reptiles, many amphibians live in very hot places.


But sometimes it can get too hot and dry for them.

The spadefoot toad from Europe, Asia and North America buries itself in the sand to escape the heat and dryness.

Sun worshippers-reptiles
Posted By: Unknown

Sun worshippers-reptiles


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